Love My Quarter Life

In a world filled with countless decisions and societal pressures, navigating our twenties & thirties can be tough. But you’re not alone, and you’re in the right place because this podcast is dedicated to supporting 20 & 30-somethings to overcome the overwhelm of Quarter Life Confusion. The weekly episodes offer you the motivation and inspiration you need to get unstuck, find what’s missing and move forward in life with meaning, passion and purpose.

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Thursday Mar 14, 2024

In this episode, we talk about why we care soooo bloody much about what others think of us! A challenge I think most 20 and 30 somethings face on a regular basis, unfortunately.
There are so many detrimental effects that this fear of judgment can bring; including increased stress and anxiety, indecision, reduced self esteem, and it can massively hold us back from putting ourselves out there and trying new things.
Tune in to learn tips, tools and strategies to help you  show up as your brilliant, authentic self and to help you care less about what other people think. 
Follow on instagram @lovemyquarterlife
Beth x

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Like most other people in their 20’s & 30’s, I recently watched (and became a bit obsessed with), the Netflix series, One Day.
After finishing the series, I thought about it, a lot...I missed it, a lot. And while I was in one of my One-Daydreams, I started to think about how Emma & Dexter's journeys represent, so brilliantly, the ups and downs of our quarter lives….
So, because the show has been a HUGE hit with 20 & 30 somethings, AND because there are so many valuable quarter-life-lessons in the story, I thought, let’s get out the microphone! 
This episode is for you, if you’re in need of some quarter-life inspiration via our friends Emma & Dexter.
If you haven’t seen One Day yet, (why not??), you probably want to go and watch it first before listening, or if you don’t have any intention to watch it (why not??), then still feel free to tune in and enjoy the lessons being shared. 
Follow on instagram @lovemyquarterlife
Beth x

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Our quarter lives can be BUSY, and can feel very overwhelming and stressful at times. This episode discusses time saving strategies to help you feel more in control of your day and your to-do list. My top tips include:
Scheduling, Planning & Prioritization
Systems & Simplification:
Simultaneous Task Management:
Conscious Time Management
Protecting Time
Outsourcing and Delegation
Don’t forget to follow the podcast on instagram @lovemyquarterlife
Beth x

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

This week, we are talking about our Future Selves and how through visualizing the ideal version of ourselves a few years on from now, can be an incredibly helpful tool to gain clarity and direction.
Visualising your future self will be especially helpful to you; if you feel like you’re at a crossroads in life at the moment, if you’re feeling stuck in a rut, if you have some big decisions to make and you’re not sure how to make them, and if you’re bored and unfulfilled with your life right now.
 In this episode, I walk you through how to create your own future self and teach you how to use this helpful tool to the common challenges our quarter lives throw at us.
Follow on instagram @lovemyquarterlife
Beth x

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

Common symptoms of a Quarter Life Crisis (Quarter Life Confusion as I call it) are; lacking clarity, feeling stuck, feeling unfulfilled, feeling lost, feeling confused (obviously), feeling like life isn’t what you thought it would be…and an underlying common denominator among these symptoms is the sense that something is missing. This episode discusses the signs and symptoms that indicate that something is indeed missing from your life, and I share a proven, 5-Step Framework which will help you uncover the things that you are looking for.Follow on Instagram @lovemyquarterlifeBeth x

Friday Feb 09, 2024

Rejection is being given a no when we want a yes and it’s exclusion from something we want to be a part of. And if there’s one thing abut rejection that everybody knows…is that it hurts like hell!
On this episode we cover the science and evolution behind why rejection is such a painful experience, what are some benefits that can come with direction (yes, there are a few!), and I provide some helpful tips for how to handle rejection in a better ad healthier way. 
If you enjoy the episode, please support the podcast by leaving a review wherever you are listening.
Follow on Instagram @lovemyquarterlife
Beth x

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

FOMO (fear of missing out) is something which impacts all of us and it is especially prevalent in our 20’s & 30’s. This episode covers why we experience FOMO and I offer some helpful strategies that you can use to reduce the negative impact that fomo can bring. 
Key Takeaways: 
 As social creatures, we naturally feel discomfort when we are excluded from social situations and so the negative feelings that fomo brings are not new, but the intense level of which we are exposed to FOMO is relatively new and this is due to our extensive use of social media. 
Strategies to reduce the negative impact of FOMO are:Reducing time spent on social media 
Filling the time with either something which will make us feel happy, or something which will make us feel accomplished 
When you’re stuck in a decision about whether to go to an event or not, make a list of all of the reasons for going and for not going and weigh them up against each other. Use your current goals and priorities to help you to guide your decision. Ask yourself ‘what will I regret more?’
Find inspiration in FOMO 
Be happy for the people who are there 
If you enjoy the episode, please take 30 seconds to leave a review wherever you are listening, it will mean so much to me and will be a massive help in my goal to grow the podcast. 
Follow on Instagram @lovemyquarterlife
Beth x

Thursday Jan 25, 2024

If you are feeling lost in your quarter life, this episode is for you! The first thing you need to know if you’re lacking direction and feeling quite confused about life at the moment is that what you’re experiencing is incredibly common, completely normal, and given the nature of our 20’s & 30’s and the shifts that happen during this time, it makes total sense. The other thing you need to know if you’re feeling lost is that it actually comes with some benefits which can have a huge positive impact on our lives 
Key Takeaways: 
 Two overarching explanations as to why we feel lost in our quarter lives: Change Happened / Change Wanted 
Switch your language from ‘I’m lost’ to ‘I’m exploring’ to help shift your mindset and your actions to be more positive & more proactive. 
Look at this stage of your life as a chapter in a very long and interesting book of your life - this chapter will end and it does not define who you are
Don’t compare yourself to others, everyone os on their own journey and no one is ahead or behind anyone else 
Reduce the pressure to discover your passion & purpose
Find direction in life by:Trying new things & having new experiences regularly 
Get specific on the area of your life which needs the most improvement 
Future-Self exercise to visualize the discrepancies in your life at the moment and how you want it to be in 12 months time 
Proactively seek inspiration - don’t wait for clarity and direction to come to you, you have to find it yourself. 
BetterUp Article on Passion & Purpose: on Instagram @lovemyquarterlifeBeth x

Thursday Jan 18, 2024

Here's 12 game-changing habits that can truly enhance your personal growth and make your life better. And guess what…none of them are to do with diet, exercise, reading more, practising gratitude or journaling!
These habits I’m sharing have had huge positive effects on all areas of my life including: productivity, motivation, relationships, confidence, and overall well-being. Even if you only implement 1 or 2 of them, I promise they will make a difference. 
The 12 Helpful Habits are:- Have a Word of the year- Don’t watch the news - Put your phone on flight mode when you go to bed- Listen to more Podcasts- Just get started! - Pay attention to the things that light you up and bring you joy - New experiences & Solo experiences allllll the time!- Learning is the antidote to ‘stuckness’- Morning Sunlight & Delayed Caffeine- Temptation Building & Habit Stacking- Have a monthly Debrief Dinner with your partner 
I hope you find them as powerful I have, I know you will! 
Beth x 
Links: James Clear Article on Habit Stacking: Ben Meer Instagram Post on Debrief Dinner:
Podcast Recommendations - Mel Robbins Podcast - Modern Wisdom - Chris Williamson- Diary of a CEO - Stephen Bartlett- The Mindset Mentor - Rob Dial - Love Happiness & Success - Lisa Marie Bobby- MammaMia Out Loud 

Thursday Jan 11, 2024

The pressure to create, have and achieve goals in our 20’s & 30’s is huge and frankly, annoying. If you don’t have goals, because you either don’t know what you want to achieve or because you don’t know how to set them, that’s okay, that’s normal - you don’t need to feel inadequate or insecure because of this - I certainly felt that pressure throughout my 20’s and it was rubbish! 
Fast forward a few years, I’ve finally found a goal setting system which works beautifully and it’s completely changed the way I think about goals, the way I set goals and the way I achieve them as well. And I’m giving you a walk through of this process in this week’s podcast episode.Key Takeaways:-  You can set goals in any way you want, about anything you want as long as it’s something important and meaningful to you.- It’s always quality over quantity when it comes to goal setting - If you don’t achieve your goal by the deadline you’ve set, it really doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you are working towards it and you are making progress. - A popular approach to goal setting is SMART goals. Smart is an acronym which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely. Here are the steps to follow to create your own goals for 2024:1. Review different aspects of your life such as self care, personal development, professional development, finances, love etc and give them a score out of ten on how satisfied you are in those areas at the moment. 2. Think about what you want that score to be at the end of year. 3. Give yourself a score for where you want to be at the end of each quarter in the year which will help you to lead up to your ideal score by the end of the year. 4. Give yourself 1-3 actions to take each quarter (quarter is 3 months) which will allow you to get the score you want to achieve that quarter and will help you achieve the overall score you are aiming for by the end of the year. 5. The end result is a list of actions you will take throughout the year which will hopefully result in your reaching your ideal satisfaction score in the areas of your life which are most important to you. 
Open the Goal Setting Template here:
To edit the template follow the steps below:
If you have a Google (Gmail) Account:
Make sure you are logged into your Google Account 
Open the template via the link above 
Click ‘File’ > ‘Make A Copy’ and a new version will open up which is your personal spreadsheet to use. You will see an example sheet in the spreadsheet which you can use to help you. 
If you don’t have a Google (Gmail) Account:
Open the template via the link above 
Click ‘File’ > ‘Download’ and download the spreadsheet in excel (Microsoft) or Numbers (Apple). You will see an example sheet in the spreadsheet which you can use to help you. 
If you have any questions about setting your goals or using the template, DM me on Instagram @lovemyquarterlife - I’d love to hear from you!
Best of luck!
Beth x


Love My Quarter Life

Our twenties and thirties are a time for magic, exploration, opportunity and FUN… yet so often they are defined by confusion, questioning and coasting. This podcast is here to inspire and support young women who are feeling lost and unfulfilled in their quarter-lives.

Join Beth Schofield, Creator of Love My Quarter Life, every Wednesday as she shares practical tools, knowledge & guidance to help you build confidence and clarity in the areas you feel most stuck.

Weekly topics include: Career changes, Finding your Purpose, Getting Unstuck,  Managing Finances, Goal setting, Navigating Breakups, and everything else in between. 

So, If you want to fall back in love with your quarter life, be sure to tune in, take notes and get ready to make these next chapters, your very best ones yet!


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