Love My Quarter Life

In a world filled with countless decisions and societal pressures, navigating our twenties & thirties can be tough. But you’re not alone, and you’re in the right place because this podcast is dedicated to supporting 20 & 30-somethings to overcome the overwhelm of Quarter Life Confusion. The weekly episodes offer you the motivation and inspiration you need to get unstuck, find what’s missing and move forward in life with meaning, passion and purpose.

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How To Avoid Christmas Comparison

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

The wonder and magic of Christmas that the movies and songs and social media portray to us, just isn’t a reality for most people and while Christmas can definitely be a time for joy and family and traditions, for a lot of people it’s incredibly difficult. If this sounds familiar, please know that you’re not alone, and in this episode I share practical guidance to help pull you out of the Christmas Comparison Spiral so that your Christmas can be as enjoyable, fulfilling and meaningful as possible. Key Takeaways: 
 There’s two things which form the foundation of a challenging Christmas time for just about everyone, and they are expectation and comparison. 
When our realities aren’t meeting our expectation or the expectations that society has put on us, then we get sucked into comparison which makes us feel jealous, inadequate, insecure, & lonely
Most families and people will experience a level of pain or discomfort on Christmas but most people aren’t posting the sadness, or the arguments or the tears. You only see the highlights.
Practicing gratitude reminds us to acknowledge, appreciate & focus on the things that we do have, rather than the things that we don’t.
When jealousy starts to bubble up is to turn it into inspiration and be inspired to take action and make some changes which will get you closer the the situation or circumstance you are feeling envious of. 
We all experience setbacks and challenges and really bad shit in life, but we don’t all experience it at the same time. We’re all on our own journey through life dealing with the struggles and every year Christmas is going to be different for everyone
Stop Christmas comparison by reducing your time on social media and increasing your time doing  more meaningful things like spending time with loved ones, relaxing & recharging & preparing to make 2024 your most meaningful year yet. 
Volunteering and giving to charity is a great way to reduce Christmas Comparison and will have a huge impact on your sense of gratitude, empathy and appreciation for the wonderful things you have in life
For two step by step processes on how to gain confidence and clarity in situations you need them most, don’t forget to watch my free workshop: Confidence and Clarity: The Two Keys to Get You Unstuck at more personal development content for your 20’s & 30’s, follow my instagram page @lovemyquarterlifeBeth x

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

12 months from now, do you want to feel proud of yourself for what you did, achieved or created in 2024? Of course you do!? And to help make this happen, you can use the next few weeks we have until the end of the year to get us off to the best start possible. 
On this episode I provide a range of tips and suggestions for things that you can do in December which are going to ensure that you’re ready to take January, and the whole of 2024, by storm! 
Don’t wait until January to get your year off to a cracking start, the secret to having a successful year ahead is to lay the foundations in December 
Here’s a list of things you can do in December to give yourself the best start to 2024: Reflect on the previous year - What did you: love, hate, achieve, learn, do, 
Think about goals for 2024 
Talk to your boss - let them know how you’re feeling about your role
Decide what you want to become better at
Declutter everything! 
Make some plans:
New Hobby/Passion Project
Live as the person you want to be in 2024
Vision Board
For two step by step processes on how to gain confidence and clarity in situations you need them most, don’t forget to watch my free workshop: Confidence and Clarity: The Two Keys to Get You Unstuck at more personal development content for your 20’s & 30’s, follow my instagram page @lovemyquarterlifeBeth x

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Procrastination is intentionally delaying or postponing tasks and responsibilities and we are all guilty of it! But the interesting thing about procrastination, is that it actually doesn’t have anything to do with what the task is, procrastination is all about how the task makes us feel. 
This episode dives into why we are all so prone to procrastination and offers some useful strategies to help you reduce it. 
Key Learning Takeaways: 
The main reason why we procrastinate so often is because of the Present Bias - as humans, we are more likely to prioritize immediate rewards than future payoffs. So we make decisions which make the present moment easier, more pleasurable even if it’s going to cause us greater harm in the future. 
5 simple strategies you can use to help reduce procrastination are: Temptation Bundling
5 Minute Rule
Chunking Tasks 
Task Swapping & Delegation 
Hide Your Phone!!!
For two step by step processes on how to gain confidence and clarity in situations you need them most, don’t forget to watch my free workshop: Confidence and Clarity: The Two Keys to Get You Unstuck at
Beth x
P.s. Don’t forget to follow Love My Quarter Life on Instagram @lovemyquarterlife

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023

Curiosity is one of the most underrated self development tools that everyone should be using, including you! Especially if you’re struggling with quarter life confusion and you’re in need of some new perspectives, new experiences and more motivation to help make life more fun, more interesting and more fulfilling. 
Key Learning Takeaways: 
 Curiosity is defined as: A strong desire to know or learn and having an interest in a person, thing, or experience that leads to making an inquiry.
We have tons of curiosity as kids, but then it reduces as we get into adulthood because we don’t feel like we need to learn as much anymore. We already have all of the knowledge we need to survive, so we don’t have as much of a need to learn new things. 
There are many ways we can use curiosity in our quarter lives to help us grow, strengthen relationships and find what’s missing from our lives.
Curiosity isn’t just something that we feel in life from time to time, it’s a way of seeing the world and all aspects of life in it,  in a more exciting, clearer and often easier way. 
Beth x
Follow on Instagram @lovemyquarterlife

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

Have you ever skipped an event, canceled an activity or not gone on a trip because no one would go with you and you didn’t want to go on your own or you felt too nervous to do so? I certainly have and I’m sure you have too! Well, I want to put an end to this! Because the only person that misses out, is us. And why should we miss out on experiences we want to have, because we feel too uncomfortable doing them by ourselves? Life’s too short for that! So in this episode, I’m offering guidance to help you get comfortable with spending time alone and practical tips for getting over the awkwardness and self consciousness that doing things by ourselves can bring. Key Learning Takeaways: - The most common reasons why women avoid spending time alone or feel uncomfortable when doing it- Practical tips to help you get more comfortable with spending time aloneDoing things by ourselves is an inevitable part of life, the sooner we get used to it, the easier and better our lives will become. Beth x
Follow on Instagram @lovemyquaterlife
Ps. For two step by step processes on how to gain confidence and clarity in situations you need them most, don’t forget to watch my free workshop: Confidence and Clarity: The Two Keys to Get You Unstuck at

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

When we get to our mid-late twenties, life changes and we find ourselves having to spend more time by ourselves…relationships end, friendships dwindle and we move away from our family to pursue careers and independence.
This can be tricky and the transition of getting used to spending more time and doing things by ourselves isn’t a popular one for a lot of us. But, what’s essential to know is that spending time alone is incredibly important and beneficial to us in developing our confidence, self awareness, competence and independence which are all vital ingredients to help us navigate our quarter lives and beyond. 
In this episode, I’m sharing insight into why getting used to our own company is one of the most important things you can do in your twenties and thirties and the wonderful benefits that it brings. 
Key Takeaways:
As we enter our quarter lives, we tend to find ourselves having to spend more time alone and this can be unnerving and uncomfortable
Getting used to our own company and doing things by ourselves is extremely important and highly beneficial for our personal growth.
Spending time alone is especially important for our romantic relationships whether we are single or coupled up. 
If you are someone who struggles to spend time alone and you feel particularly uncomfortable doing it, it’s essential that you understand how important it is for our personal growth so that you can incorporate alone time into your life more and reap the amazing benefits that it brings. 
So, this week is all about the WHY spending time alone is so importance and next week is about the HOW, so I’ll be sharing tips and ideas on how you can get more comfortable and confident being in your own company. 
Ps. For two step by step processes on how to gain confidence and clarity in situations you need them most, don’t forget to watch my free workshop: Confidence and Clarity: The Two Keys to Get You Unstuck at
I’ll see you then!
Beth x
Follow on Instagram @lovemyquarterlife

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

Is there an aspect of your life that you want to change, but making the change feels totally impossible? Do you spend most of your time feeling like you want 'more', rather than feeling content and satisfied with what you’ve got?
If so, this episode is here to help because in it, I share with you the only step you need to take in order to make a change. If you are feeling stuck in your Quarter Life right now, check out my workshop 'Confidence & Clarity: Two Frameworks to get you unstuck'.  You can download the workshop for free at:
I’ll see you next week! 
Follow on  Instagram @lovemyquarterlife

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023

In our quarter lives, there’s lots to think about! Do I want this? Do I want that? Shall I change this? Shall I change that? Shall I stay here? Shall I go there? Why did I do that? Why did I choose this?
And we need to take time reflecting on these things, this is a massive piece of the puzzle to figuring it all out. But what we need to be careful of is spiraling into overthinking which makes us feel stressed, worried, anxious, frustrated because this isn’t going to help, this is only going to keep us stuck and confused.
In this episode, we discuss what overthinking is, the common types of overthinking we engage in and I offer a 5-step-framework you can follow to help manage and reduce overthinking. 
Key Takeaways:
Overthinking occurs when your thoughts and worries go around and around in your head on a loop without coming to any new insights or conclusions. 
Two main categories of overthinking are; worry and rumination. 
Common types of overthinking include; catastrophising, analysis paralysis, perfectionism, social overthinking, existential overthinking & indecision.
5-Step-Framework to Reduce Overthinking. The five steps are: Acceptance, Preparation, Identify, Control & Action 
Download the 5-Step-Framework for Reducing Overthinking here:
Download the Confidence and Clarity Workshop for a guide on effective decision making here:
I’ll see you next week. 
Beth x 

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023

Self celebration (aka Selfabration) is an essential beautiful practice which we need to carry out regularly. Not only does it make us feel great, but it does wonders for our self esteem, our self pride, our motivation and productivity and our confidence! 
On this episode we discuss what it means to celebrate yourself, why you should be doing more of it, and I share specific ways in which can bring selfabration into your life so you can start reaping all of the wonderful benefits it brings.
Key takeaways include: 
Selfabration - the practise of celebrating yourself and a powerful tool that everyone should bring into their lives on a more regular basis
The benefits of celebrating yourself include: Increased self esteem, worthiness, self pride & self love
Increased motivation & productivity 
Increased confidence in both ourselves and the confidence that others have in us too
Specific ways to selfabrate are:Acknowledging the tiniest wins
Daily journaling about accomplishments
Sharing your wins with others 
Treat yourself to someone meaningful that will bring you joy 
There is so much to accomplish and celebrate in our twenties and thirties, why not make the most of it?!
For two step by step processes on how to gain confidence and clarity in situations you need them most, don’t forget to watch my free workshop: Confidence and Clarity: The Two Keys to Get You Unstuck at
I’ll see you next week!
Beth x 
Follow on Instagram @lovemyquarterlife

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

If you’re someone who struggles with learning new things, is scared of failing and is feeling a bit stagnant in life right now then this episode is for you! Because the secret to overcoming these mental block is a Growth Mindset! 
In this episode I share with you what a Growth Mindset is, how having one can help us overcome common quarter life challenges AND practical tips on how you can cultivate a Growth Mindset yourself and reap the benefits it brings. 
Key Takeaways:
Having a growth mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed, grown or improved over time through learning and effort. Having a fixed mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents are fixed and innate, so you are unable to improve or grow. 
In our quarter lives, having a growth mindset is extremely beneficial for many reasons.
5 Ways you can cultivate a Growth Mindset.
For two step by step processes on how to gain confidence and clarity in situations you need them most, don’t forget to watch my free workshop: Confidence and Clarity: The Two Keys to Get You Unstuck at
Beth x 
Follow @Lovemyquarterlife on Instagram


Love My Quarter Life

Our twenties and thirties are a time for magic, exploration, opportunity and FUN… yet so often they are defined by confusion, questioning and coasting. This podcast is here to inspire and support young women who are feeling lost and unfulfilled in their quarter-lives.

Join Beth Schofield, Creator of Love My Quarter Life, every Wednesday as she shares practical tools, knowledge & guidance to help you build confidence and clarity in the areas you feel most stuck.

Weekly topics include: Career changes, Finding your Purpose, Getting Unstuck,  Managing Finances, Goal setting, Navigating Breakups, and everything else in between. 

So, If you want to fall back in love with your quarter life, be sure to tune in, take notes and get ready to make these next chapters, your very best ones yet!


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